If your data is showing up on one device, but not another, you may have a sync-related issue.
The first step in troubleshooting this should be to try and sync manually: Backup, Sync, and Transfer Your Data
Sometimes items become archived, which will prevent them from syncing. Even if an item is not listed as archived, archiving and then unarchiving it on the web may get it syncing again.
More on Archiving and Unarchiving here: Archiving, Unarchiving, and Recovering Lost Data
If an item was deleted from one of the mobile apps, it will have been archived:
When troubleshooting sync-related issues, it is important to avoid logging out or deleting the app unless you are sure your data has been synced. The best way to confirm this is to log on to gaiagps.com and view the data there. If you can see the data on gaiagps.com, you can be assured that it is backed up on our servers.
If you need to manually export your data from the app to back it up before deleting or logging out, you can follow these articles:
- Export Data as GPX or KML from the iOS app
- Export photos from the iOS app
- Export Data as GPX or KML from the Android app
- Export Photos from the Android app
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