Export Data as GPX or KML from the Android app




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    Groovy Geek

    Am I reading this correct. - I need to export tracks and waypoints one at a time? Say it ain't so. Not a whole lot of reasons to purchase a subscription if I can't save my data as trips and export in en masse.

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    You can export your data in bulk by:
    1. File the data into a folder (Android/Web)
    2. Sync your device gaiagps.com
    3. Export the folder from gaiagps.com

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    Groovy Geek

    Tyig a mobile app to a desktop is just plain wrong. I often manage my tracks and waypoints on hikes at the end of the day while things are still fresh in my head. If I create 20 new waypoints and want to move them to a specific folder I have to do this one by one. And if I have a long list of other existing tracks and waypoints I have to do the management by repeatedly scrolling to the middle of a LOOONG list that is seemingly arranged in no particular order.

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    I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Can I ask you to vote or comment on the official feature request for having your tracks and waypoints automatically saved to an active folder:

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    Groovy Geek

    That was my very own request from a while ago that remains as of yet unadresed :=(

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    When I Export a track from my iPad, the track and the photo's/photo point export with it perfectly in a kml. When I Export from my phone (android), the track and photo points export but the photos are no actually attached to the photo waypoints. Is there a way to export with photos attached to the track when exporting from android? We use gaia premium for work and this would be a huge win for us. 

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    Currently, you can export photos from the Android version of Gaia GPS individually:

    1. open the details page for the waypoint with the photo
    2. tap the thumbnail for the photo
    3. tap Export
    4. select GPX
    5. select the Gmail/email option

    If you'd like to export your photos together with your track, I recommend syncing your data to the app on your iPad to export.

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