You can use one Gaia GPS account with multiple devices, or switch between Apple and Android devices, by logging into both of them. This will allow you to access your same membership, tracks, routes, waypoints, and maps on all of your devices.
Please note that there is currently no limit on the amount of devices you can use your membership on.
To use Gaia GPS on a new device:
- First, download the app from the App or Play Store:
2. When the app opens, select "Have an account? Sign in." or tap Settings > Account > Log in.
3. Login using the same email and password you used on your previous device.
4. Once logged in, your information will start to sync. You can check when it has finished by tapping Settings > Account >. The date/time will appear next to "Last Sync" when it's complete.
5. Follow these steps to turn on "backup/sync" so that new information is automatically transferred between your devices. Make sure "backup/sync" is enabled on your old device as well.
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