This article will show you how to get a refund for a subscription purchased through the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store, or the Gaia GPS website.
Apple does not allow our team to provide you a refund directly. You can request a refund directly from the App Store by following the steps listed below.
To get a refund, you will need a valid reason for the request like you bought a Membership by accident or the app doesn’t do what you need it to. You have 90 days to dispute a charge with Apple. Typically, they take a day or two to process the request, and you may need to contact Apple support to verify the reason for the request.
Get a Refund:
- Go to Apple’s Problem Reports page.
- Login with your Apple ID
- From the "What can we help you with?" drop-down box, select "Request a refund"
- From the "Tell us more" drop down, select a reason
- Select Gaia GPS and click submit.
Note: If the message says none of your purchases are eligible for a refund, contact us directly here.
Refunding the app does not automatically cancel your subscription. You can cancel your subscription by following these steps:
1. Cancel your current subscription through Google so it will not auto-renew.
2. Request a refund with these steps.
Note: If you are unable to receive a refund from Google, please contact us directly here.
To get a refund for a subscription purchased on, please contact us directly here.
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