This article will show you how to change the visibility settings of your tracks the iOS app. By default, your tracks will be public once you accept the privacy pop-up modal. Waypoints and routes will remain private.
You can make your tracks and waypoints public or private by editing the privacy controls in the iOS app.
- Updating your Default Sharing settings
- Updating your Visibility settings
- Updating Share Settings for Existing Data
Updating your Default Sharing settings
The default sharing setting is for new tracks you create. You can edit the default setting by following these steps:
1. Tap Settings > Account
2. Select Privacy and Default Visibility
3. The default settings for your activities and posts correspond to the privacy level for your tracks.
Example: If you choose to set your activities and posts to 'Followers,' your tracks will be published on the home feed for your followers to see.
Waypoints and routes do not get published to the feed.
Updating Your Access settings
1. When you are done recording a track, tap 'Finish Track'. When adding a waypoint, tap 'Save'.
2. From the Name and Save page, tap 'Visibility.'
3. A pop-up will appear with the following Visibility options:
- Everyone: This item is Public. It's viewable by anyone visiting Gaia GPS. It's viewable from your home feed to all users.
- Followers: This item is Private. It's only viewable by you and your followers. It's viewable from your home feed to your followers.
- Only You: This item is Private. It's only viewable by you and not published to the feed. It's hidden from your profile and not searchable on
4. Select one of the options.
5. Tap Save.
Updating Share Settings for Existing Data
If the track has already been saved, you can tap the Privacy setting on the detail screen to change the Visibility permissions:
Learn more about Share Settings here: Sharing Your Data.
To change the share settings for multiple items, including routes and waypoints, log in to and follow these steps: Make your Tracks, Routes, Waypoints, and Folders Public/Private from
Home Feed Considerations
By default, your public tracks will be published to the Home feed unless you have changed your default privacy settings. Your waypoints and routes will not publish to the feed.
You can further control the privacy settings of each individual track by updating your access settings on each track. If you change the privacy of a track from 'Followers' to 'Only Me', the post should be hidden from the feed. You cannot re-publish a track to a feed once you have changed the privacy settings.
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