To change a waypoint's title, icon, photo, or notes follow these steps:
1. Locate Waypoint
Click the folder icon to open the Saved Items sidebar, and then click on the waypoint in the Saved Items sidebar. Or, find the waypoint on the map and click on it.
2. Click "Edit" in the sidebar
3. From here, you can:
- rename the waypoint
- change the position of the waypoint by dragging it on the map
- add notes
- change the icon, color, or photo
- toggle sharing
- toggle visibility
- toggle Sync to Mobile
4. Click the Save button when finished.
Bulk Edit Waypoint Icons
To change the icon of multiple waypoint icons at once, follow these steps:
1. Select 2 or more waypoint icons using the checkbox on the right side of the items.
2. Click the 3 dots in the sidebar.
3. Click Set Icon and choose an icon.
Note: when bulk editing waypoints, you cannot choose a featured image for all waypoints. If you wish to set a featured image for a waypoint, you must do so for each individual waypoint.
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