On May 22, 2017, we released a new iOS app, replacing the Classic version of Gaia GPS for iOS. At the same time, the Classic app was removed from the AppStore and discontinued. The Classic app has not been supported since. This FAQ covers some questions for existing Gaia GPS users.
Can I keep using the Classic Gaia GPS app?
You can continue to use the Classic app on iOS version 14.4 and below. However, iOS 14.5 disables the Classic app. Please make sure to back up all of your data in the Classic app before updating to iOS 14.5.
What versions does the new iOS app support?
As of version 2024.9, Gaia GPS is supported on iOS devices running iOS 15 or newer. Users who already had the app installed on iOS 14 will continue to be able to use Gaia GPS on their devices.
If you are on an iOS 12 operating system, the Apple app store may give you the option to download the older version of the app. Release 2021.3 was the last version to officially support iOS 12. We recommend downloading the latest version of the app and latest version of software to continue utilize the newest features we have released for Gaia GPS.
Do I get the new app for free if I bought the Classic app?
If you bought the Classic Gaia GPS app, you can contact our support team to be granted a Lifetime Legacy Membership. Lifetime Legacy is the same as the previous standard Membership, except that the legacy membership does not include MapBox map sources (Satellite and Satellite with Labels), as those were added after the switch to the subscription model. For more information on Standard vs. Premium memberships, please see this article.
For existing GaiaPro members (now renamed to the Gaia GPS Premium), you can use the new app at no additional cost, including access to all Premium Membership maps and features.
How was the Classic app configured?
The Classic version of Gaia GPS cost $19.99 to download; it also offered a GaiaPro Monthly or Yearly additional subscription to access more map layers.
If you are still accessing the classic version of the Gaia GPS app, you might be under a yearly subscription in the Apple appstore. We recommend canceling the auto-renewal of the classic version of the Gaia GPS app in the Apple appstore and installing the latest Gaia GPS app, which includes a free version, as well the Premium and Premium with Outside+ subscriptions at annual cost.
How is the new app configured?
The new version of Gaia GPS is free to download and offers two account options: Free and Premium Membership. You can see the difference between levels here:
How do the new Free/Premium levels compare to the Classic Gaia GPS/GaiaPro add-on?
In the new iOS app, many features that were previously GaiaPro-only are now available to everyone:
The new Premium level also includes more maps than a GaiaPro subscription did. We added:
Overall, the new app has many new features and improvements, and offers more on all levels.
Being a current user, if I upgrade and after 2 years decide that I do not want to pay for a subscription, can I roll back to the non-subscription version?
It looks like the new app is trying to download all my offline maps again. Is this going to double the amount of space the maps are taking up on my phone? If so, can I remove the maps from the old app?
@alexgawlik You can continue using Gaia GPS Classic, the app you bought, for as long as you like with no annual fee or subscription. Also, you can email support@gaiagps.com and we can extend your current trial of the new app to whatever you think is fair.
@kpurcell84 The new app is meant to be a replacement, so my best suggestion is to delete the old app. If you delete maps in the old app, they will get archived on the web and removed in the new app, too.
Does this pertain to Android users also?
I purchased the app. for Android, just a couple days ago and was considering the Pro version.
How will this work for me now?
Hi Chuck,
This change does not affect the Android app.
We expect to do a similar update on Android eventually, but it's not yet in development. We're waiting to decide both the date and scope for that.
@Andrew The V1.0 release notes from the iOS app tell a slightly different story. It seems that they indicate that the 2 years will begin at the purchase date of the classic version.

@tbsato That's how it was originally, but now it gives you two years from when you first start using the new app.
I guess nobody told the developers :-D
Will all my tracks load to the new App?
What about Android? Update in the future available there too?
Yes, your tracks will automatically download in the new app when you login to your account. If you have any trouble with that, send us a note to support@gaiagps.com.
We'll do a similar update for Android eventually, but don't have an ETA on that just yet.
I bought the app in Oct-2017. I have changed the phone. I can't download the map anymore on my new phone. When I can buy old app?
I'm sorry you are having an issue downloading maps and I have followed up with more information in the email you sent.
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