Absolutely horrible performance and user experience




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    Paid user here.  First time back to the website in about 8 months and the WEB experience is terrible.  Laggy/slow/buggy. 

    Specific problem experienced: Creating a route with 7 waypoints caused the entire window (map, route, etc) to blank.  Chromium browser, if that matters.

    The speed of this site makes it seem as if the server is starved for bandwidth.

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    Chris Hill

    Hello all. A few different things are being asked here so I'll respond to each separately.

    @AJ - Correct. Currently, a new folder is created when uploading. We're working on a project to allow uploading directly to a previously created folder though.

    Are you using the app or the website? I recommend using the web to upload when possible. More info here: Import files to gaiagps.com.

    @djh999gc - Yes, The website is running a bit slow right now. Sorry for the trouble. We are in the process of updating our database to fix this. You should expect to see performance increase over the next few days as we continue to make improvements, but you may still run into the occasional error in the meantime.

    We will reach back out once the updates have been completed.
    Sorry for the hassle.

    If either of you have any other issues or would like a refund on your membership, contact support and we'll get you taken care of.

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    Hello. Paid user here.

    I'm starting to create some folder and sub folders, and the performance is still as described above. This is two years later, so I'm a bit surprised here. I'm waiting minutes to move 4 empty folders.

    Can someone from Gaia GPS Staff please tell me if this is normal behavior? If not, what can I do to improve?
    Working on M1 Macbook Air, Edge browser, 100Mbit up and download.

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    Another paid user here.

    I just started my membership and I observe poorly built software.

    Synchronization. Pretty much every time i need to synchronize iPhone app with Website i have to do it manually.

    Folders: Item deleted in folders in map view are still showing in details page and there is no way to edit it out. Yet another collection of items appears in iPhone app after synchronization.I have 3 different instances of the same folder now with no way to edit.

    Seems there is no tech support in Gaia. I posted couple of requests, get confirmation email and no replies.

    I thought to switch from AllTrails hoping for more flexibility and greater maps of Gaia. Now I am thinking to cancel Gaia membership.


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    I will continue posting here what I found while getting acquainted with Gaia software.

    And the new 'detail' I found today - Gaia has propensity for recording erroneous elevation data. In track I recorded yesterday there are few data points with elevation –10,000 ft. –20,000 ft.

    These erroneous points make elevation profile completely un-readable. Two other softwares I used simultaneously to record test track: AllTrails and RideWithGPS – did not record a single erroneous data. Shame on you Gaia!

    Is there maybe a way to clean these errors?

    And why after paying the required fee I need to concern myself with such things?

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    It sucks, especially at scale. Both web site and Android app. Not just functional deficiencies but crashes and hangs. I'm about to give up on this POC.

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