This article will show you how to control and customize the main display features of the main map screen layout in Android. To see additional information about customizing display features in Android, please visit this article: Using the Main Map Gaia GPS
Select what map elements to display on the main map
- Tap Settings > Map Controls to view the setting options.
Customize the following display options:
- Add Menu Location: Choose to have the Add Menu button (plus button) appear on the left or right of the main map
- Stats Bar: Toggle off to hide the stats bar from the top of the screen on the main map. This can be useful to see the entire screen when in the full-screen view.
- Compass: Show or hide the compass bar on the map
- Fullscreen Button: Toggle off if you prefer to not see this option on the main map display
- 3D Button: Toggle off if you prefer to not see the 3D map button on the main map display
- Scale Bar: Show or hide the scale on the map
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