Cannot save a route that I edit.



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    Same problem. I try to edit a route I've saved, and the changes don't take. The route just reverts to the original no matter what.

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    I have had the same problem for a long time. Changes don't save, when I log out and log back in they don't get saved, sometimes things appear to be saved but when I want to close the web page I get warned that my changes will be lost.

    What a great program and such a pitty.

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    Same here. I would like to see fixes of these critical issues prioritized over additional features. Losing hours of work is a big deal.


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    Any solutions already or answers from the support? I get crazy with this obvious bug in the only thing gaia gps should provide. All those stupid new maps and features. What matters is a simple reliable saving of the changes. Contacted the support a month ago but the only thing they recommended was it has sth to do with the browser cache. Nonsense. The bug persists and it gets worse. Can't even change names of the routes. Some get saved, some not. Furthermore some routes get corrupted with random straight lines between points, altering the distance and elevation chart.
    Sigh...what happened to the old Gaia from a year ago, where at least the browser version was usable. I contacted the support again, hope they admid that there are problems and come up with a solution.

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    I've had to redo the same edits on trails over and over regardless if I clear the cache. Wasting hours of my effort is extra frustrating when I pay for this service. How are more people not talking about this?

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    It's an unacceptable workaround, but I've had to give up on edits and just lay out a new route with my changes on top of the old route that I can't edit.

    Again, Gaia, please prioritize fixing these basic features.


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    Same problem for me as well.

    This is not browser related, I edit the same route in Safari and Chrome on macOS, save the changes, log out and log back in and the changes are lost.

    This is easy to reproduce, use a long route, in my case a 600mi driving route as a test, save it, and then make edits.

    I even tried editing the name of the route, adding a 2 at the end of the title, then saved it, but even that change gets lost.

    High priority issue in my opinion, core functionality.

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    Chris Jones

    Yep - uptodate MAC OS and with Chrome or Safari once you have saved a route - when you try to make changes to it , it does not save - these are short routes only 2-300km ??

    I was hoping GAIA was bug free but this is crap

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    Same annoying issue...

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    Chris Jones

    I found a way around this is to save your route and then make a duplicate of it. That seems to save both copies of the route , then you just have to do a bit of clean up of duplicate dated routes at some point

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    I did as Chris Jones said, and still lost the edits and the duplicate. I have lost 8 hours of work, totally unacceptable... Period!!!

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    I am having the same problem.  Edits will not save, and now I can't edit the saved route.  The lines will not move, snap, or delete.  What a PITA!!!

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    I am so frustrated with Gaia and this problem.  My search of their community boards for a solution shows that this has been a problem for 5 years!  As a "paying customer," I expect better.  I submitted a ticket only to get a response suggesting I try the things that I said I already tried that DON'T work!

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    Still no fix! I’m about ready to ask for my money back. I used to enjoy working with Gaia. This is at best HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!

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    Same issue here, on multiple computers. The route planning is the main reason I still have Gaia, but if the web app won’t let me consistently plan routes then it isn’t worth it to me. I have lost 6 hours planning 160+ miles of routes this week due to the edit failure and tonight a complete failure for Gaia to save a new route.

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    The problem is clearly not solved yet. I spent quite a few hours setting the stage for our long (long) trip from Key West to Prudhoe Bay (AK). I saved every 5 or 6 waypoints, and then when I resumed editing the day after, all changes were gone. I tried to duplicate it, but with no success. Any other workaround while support will hopefully wake up and do something before we all walk away from Gaia?  

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    I have the same problem and literally have lost days of work editing that have not saved.  I have tried numerous alternative ways of editing (from the map, from the saved items folder), syncing, duplicating routes and editing but still my edits do not save. I see this thread starts 10 months ago! Surely Gaia must know about this bug???  Can anyone recommend a similar app that works on PC.  Its a shame because there's so many cool things about Gaia

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    One work-around that has worked for me is to duplicate the route, do the edits required, and then save it.
    The sequence is important: duplicate, edit and only at the end save. That has worked for me.

    I have raised a support ticket with GaiaGPS months ago, but nothing came out of that.

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    Thank you @ioannis.  I'll give that a go..

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    Thank you @ioannis, I will also give it a shot

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    Here is the response I got from Gaia to my "ticket:

    Jay Crooker (Gaia GPS)

    Mar 15, 2023, 07:22 PDT

    Hi David,
    Sorry for the trouble editing your route. Would you mind telling me the name of the route so that I can take a closer look?
    if it is a short route, I'd recommend deleting the existign route and starting over. We have made some changes to the route editing tools since you submitted your support ticket, and I suspect the changes should prevent the issue from occurring again.

    Jay | Gaia GPS Customer Success
    Outside Inc. Team

    Obviously, this did not fix anything..  I did delete the route and recreated it into 9 different legs.  From my research of the posts, It seems like the common denominator is LONG routes that folks have spent a lot of effort creating.  I think the volume of data in a long route is creating the freeze when it comes time to edit.  The new shorter routes are responding to the edit feature and are save-able.

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    Just came across this issue as well. While I haven't been able to test my theory yet, I had this same issue in Garmin and Strava's mapping solutions which I'm pretty sure use the same backend. If Gaia does as well, then I found the problem only happens if you try switching the routing mode (vehicle, hiking, cycling) in the middle of editing.

    Sometimes I could switch a couple times and it would still work, but sometimes it just took me switching once and everything gets borked.

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    Having the same issue. Submitting a ticket with Gaia and referencing this post. Thanks,

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    Same problem but i found a different workaround, if i edited the middle of the route it would fail, however if i added a new point at the end of the route it would save, so far has saved me heaps of time and didn't have to duplicate route. hope this works for everyone else 

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    Gaia is a great app, but over two years and STILL no fix?

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    I’m switching to OnX.

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    I did what Dave 914 did, added a new endpoint. Then edited the route .. no luck.

    However if you make your edits and then add an endpoint save it it seems to save all edits then you can re-edit and remove the new endpoint. Has worked for me a couple times now but the order is specific you have to make the edits before you add the new endpoint and then save

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    I should have posted an update on this month's ago. The workaround was quite simple. Save a copy of the existing route with a different name and then I was able to edit it and save no problem. If you really want the name then simply delete the original route before renaming the copy.

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    GUYS! I think I've sorted this out... If anyone is still interested... I've been planning routes for ages and this has been so frustrating for me. The solution: Once you've modified your route, you MUST move the ending point of the route, and it will then save your waypoints/marker edits. It's that simple. I also noticed that the KM/Miles were out when editing too, but this updates when you move the end marker and save :) :) :)

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    Yup that's what I discovered.  it's worked perfectly for the last 15 edits on 4 different routes I'm planning.  but order of operations matters!
    Make your edits
    Move Ending point

    remove the "new" end back to your original end point

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