What Use Case Does Gaia GPS Apple Watch Actually Support?
Gaia GPS on the Apple Watch does not seem to support any use case I can define as it does not perform the Navigate or Record functions correctly, at least in my experience. Here are my observations.
When using this feature, the track record will stop and restart, resulting in inaccurate distance measurements and tracks. I have not been able to verify this, but it seems the trouble occurs when a notification is processed by the watch.
The data display shows pace. I have not found any reference as to what this actually measures. Is it moving average, overall average? While I recognize that hiking is generally measured by pace, that is minutes per mile, I think in terms of miles per hour. It would be nice to be able to define the units for this measurement.
At first I created a circuit hike with the same start and stop point. Navigate recognized the starting waypoint, but never sequenced to the the next waypoint, so I kept moving away from that waypoint and never approached the next waypoint. Next I tried a straight route. Again, the routing never sequenced after the starting waypoint. As a final attempt, I started the Navigate feature about 50 ft from the first waypoint. The routing never got properly started.
As an aside, I think of a waypoint as a point of interest. Many times in creating a route, I must insert control points to force the route along the desired trail. Gaia GPS considers these control points as waypoints. I believe these control points should be invisible to the user and not called out in the routing.
Except for the Navigate feature, Gaia GPS works satisfactorily on the iPhone. This feature has the same deficiencies on both devices.
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