Search Engine Improvements (Specifically relevance of results)
Gaia's search is bad. Like, really bad. Occasionally it works, but often as not it gives you no relevant results or the obvious result is buried under a bunch of obscure places on the other side of the globe.
I would like to see Gaia prioritize results that are in or near the area you're currently viewing, prioritize exact matches unless they might be irrelevant for other reasons, and include your own waypoints in your search. If possible I would also like to see results prioritized based on how well known they are (eg. the Matterhorn in Switzerland should come first because it's world famous. Someone searching for it is probably interested in that one, not a campground in Colorado.) although I recognize that's tougher to implement.
Example #1: The Matterhorn. It's a world famous mountain and it was even on the screen when I searched for it, and yet these are the results it gives me. It was even an exact match for my search term. I'm sure it was somewhere in the results, but so many other irrelevant results showed up that it didn't make an appearance.
Example #2: Motovun. It's a small town in Croatia (45.33667, 13.82861). Not very well known, but again it's an exact match for my search term. I even had a waypoint of the same name. It only returned three results, none of which were relevant. Is it searching another language than what's shown on the map? I have no idea, but it doesn't work.
+1. I've lost count of how many times I've searched for something I know exists, and even find it by scrolling, but the search shows nothing.
Also, I find a lot of the time your search term has to be to the letter. Even 1 character wrong and no result.
I dont know if its openstreetmaps fault on which gaia is based, but it needs improving.
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