Show elevation and distance scale in Apple CarPlay


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    It would be really great if the Gaia app for CarPlay allowed you to use the CarPlay head-unit for the things people buy Gaia for (off-street navigation: dirt roads, trails, etc.). If all it lets me do is navigate on streets, then it's useless on CarPlay because Apple Maps, Google Maps, and Waze already provide good services there. What they DON'T provide, is navigation on 4x4 trails.

    While it would be nice if Gaia would provide voice-guidance, at the very least, I should be able to access all my tracks, routes, and waypoints.. so that I can select one and choose to navigate. If nothing else, show current location with regard to the track, route, or waypoint... that would at least be somewhat useful.

    Side note: organization of routes, waypoints, tracks, etc. ... it seems overly complicated in Gaia. It would be great if you could overhaul it to follow the standard file system interaction model where you only see things in the folders where they reside (either by navigating to them, or by expanding them in a tree structure)... unless you search (if search, then you can flatten the hierarchy). But this flat-by-default (with folder being an logical attribute rather than the container) approach and I always have to choose why type of object I want to see ... it's crazy-making. I know this has been a hot topic for years, but... you've got a decent product here.. would hate to see someone come in and disrupt you and force everyone over to the new platform because enough care wasn't given to the experience. Outside is the owner now... let's have them throw some money at the biggest problems.

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