added GPX file on website to my Saved folder, but sync'ing on app shows nothing



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    Mike Ardagh

    Hi there,

    Sorry for the trouble syncing. There are a couple of things you can try in order to resolve this:

    First, try manually toggling a sync on the web interface:
    • Click on your profile image in the top right corner of the main map to open the dropdown menu, then select Routes.


    • Next, ​select the Route from the list and then click Toggle Sync.

    • When you click Toggle Sync, you'll see the Sync status of that Route change from On to Off. 

    • Click Toggle Sync one more time to set the Sync status back to On. When you're finished, it should look like the screenshot below. 

    After that, I would suggest manually syncing your Android device by following these steps: Backup, Sync, and Transfer Your Data

    If you continue to have any issues, please contact Support here.

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