Can I see folder in the in the folder icon on the map
PlannedI created a folder in the folder section and then I uploaded a file and moved it to the folder I created. The file shows it is in the folder. When I go to the map and click on the folder Icon it list all the tracks, way points, and other information that was in the file.
My question is should I be able to see the folder I created in the folder section so I can can click on the eye to show or hide the information in that folder. I read somewhere that I was suppose to see a list of the folders in the folder section when I click the folder Icon on the map.
We're still in the process of building folder functionality in the data sidebar (this is the menu you see when clicking the folder). So at this time, it's not possible to hide an entire folder from the main map on the website. But we are working on it!
You can hide individual items like this: Show or Hide Your Saved Data on the Map on
And in the app, you can hide entire folders: Show or Hide Saved Data on the Map
If you have any other questions feel free to Contact Support.
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