Moving Map with Arrow Centered as default



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    Been working fine for me since day one. Might be a setting.

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    Hi salcedobob, 
    You can tap the 'locate' button  to allow the map to move beneath a centered arrow icon. 

    To learn more about different location options, check out this article: Locate and Orient Yourself on the Map

    Please contact Support here if you have any further questions.

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    When you open Gaia, you have to hit the icon.

    When you pan the map around, you have to hit the icon.

    If you are zooming and accidentally move the map ever so slightly, you have to hit the icon.

    It would be better if we had an option to default it to following us after a timeout period of no map touch.  Locus Map Pro does this really well in my opinion.  It's really bad when you're trying to use it on a motorcycle and you have to pan to look at something really quickly, but then it stops following you, and you have to hunt that tiny little icon with your gloved hand...

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