Auto-pause to prevent accidental drive-off without finishing track
CompletedI sometimes drive away from a trailhead without remembering to finish my track.
Please implement a feature that auto-pauses recording when a certain speed is reached. This speed should be specified by the user in the Settings to accommodate different use cases.
I notice other apps have this feature.
Thank you.
Hi @mediacanyo,
Thanks for reaching out.
Currently, you can crop the end of a track if your forget to finish a recording by following these steps:
If you have any further questions, please contact Support here. -
Hey @mediacanyo,
We added this feature to the latest release. Update to 2021.2 to get it.
Drive off detection - Get notified if you drive away while recording a track, and then Gaia GPS will also automatically select the the driving segment to make it easy to trim off in the track editor
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