Left/Right arrow icons for waypoints
CompletedWould love to have two additional icons indicating left-hand or right-hand turns when placing waypoints. My usecase is I'm often driving FSRs or OHV trails on a pre-loaded route and want to take a side trip to something else of interest I find on the map. These points of interest may be fairly far off in a complicated network of roads and navigation can mean stopping several times to check the map at each junction. However, since I'm already out of network range, I can't actually create a new route on my phone.
As a workaround, it would be good to be able to place waypoints indicating which way to turn at a given intersection. Image attached is a recent instance of this - I was driving on the route indicated in red and decided to check out Fenwick Lake.
Official comment
Good news! Emoji waypoints are now available in Gaia GPS on all platforms: web, iOS, and Android. You can customize your waypoints using the hundreds of emoji symbols available on your phone, tablet, or computer.
Read more on the Gaia GPS blog: https://blog.gaiagps.com/customize-your-maps-with-new-emoji-waypoints/
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