MVUM colorless now?!?!
AnsweredSeriously, who's idea was this? BRING BACK THE COLORS ON THE MVUM OVERLAY. When you have multiple layers it's hard to distinguish the MVUM overlay from the National Forest base map or other maps which ALSO shows roads / trails in black & white.
I mean that's great yall did a blog and all.... but maybe you should, I dunno, ask the users who are paying you money... TERRIBLE UPDATE. When I drive down a closed trail/road because I can't distinguish it on the map because everything is white now, I'll send GAIA the ticket to pay.... add colors back or update the base 2016 NFS map so it's up to date... most people running NFS use that as a base and the overlay to see what's open or not... now it all looks the same with no color...
Hi Zheking,
I'm sorry you're not happy with the recent update - the MVUM map was restyled to better align with the symbols used on the National Forest's PDF maps.
Check out this article to learn more details about the update.
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