Converting Tracks to Routes
It would be really nice to have a feature to convert tracks to Routes on the and on the app.
When I explore I like to record a track. Then if I like the track I would like to save it as a route.
It is a pain to to export from Gaia then convert using GPSbabel then upload to Gaia.
This would be a nice feature
I’d agree but I’m coming from a slightly different perspective. I import someone else’s track. To me that’s a route as I’ve not traveled it. I use others tracks for my planning therefore to me they are routes. I’d be nice if they could be classified as routes in my app.
Also the ability to mass hide or view tracks, routes etc across all folders would be nice. Say I’m viewing all my data and I want to quickly restrict it to just tracks
Of course the ability to have the same data in multiple folders would be nice as well as smart folders. A folder for tracks for example regardless of how many other folders the same data might be in. Are these called virtual folders? Similar to photo albums?
I know I'm late to this party, but I found this other thread that explains how to convert a track to a route using GPSbabel:
même question,
malgré ce post récent
qui explique comment faire sur IOS,
mais dans ma version à jour V2022.9
cette fonctionnalité n'existe pas.
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