New USFS Roads & Trails overlay shows closed trails



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    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    Can you let me know the coordinates for the trail that is incorrectly listed as open?

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    The overlay appears to include every road and trail, even closed ones, in the Ozark National Forest and Ouachita National Forest.  IT isn't just a few coordinates, it's thousands.


    Here are examples from Ouachita and Ozark show the same location with multiple closed trials on the USFS map vs gaia showing them on the over lay. It should be noted the MVUM overlay appears accurate and only shows open trails.


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    Thanks for sending over these screenshots. You're right, some of the roads pictured here are marked as closed.

    The Roads and Trails map is sourced directly from the USFS and is an interactive map in the iOS app. You are able to tap a road in the app to see maintenance level and planned maintenance level. For example, Grindstone Road labeled on the Roads & Trails map shows this information when you tap on it in the iOS app:

    I definitely understand the importance of knowing road and trail status. We are working on a big under the hood improvement to that will lay the groundwork for interactive map sources on the website as well.

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    @Robyn I wasn't aware the map was interactive, as I am an Android app user. I was aware the MVUM overlay was pulled directly from the USFS though, good to know this one is as well. I will stick with the MVUM overlay since I know it only shows open roads / trails. and Android isn't interactive.

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    So @Robyn what about samsung users? are the re plans to make the interactive overlay available for them?

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    We are currently working on a big under the hood improvement to the Android app to change the framework the available maps are based on. After this project, we will be able to work on adding features such as interactive overlays to the Android app.

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    I am wondering what the National Forest road that are black in color mean.  Are those closed?  Also, just so I  understand on the MVUM maps.  If they show up in Gaia, does that mean they are open, or could they be closed?

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    This is the type of Road I am talking about.

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    One of the roads is 1474 in Shawnee National Forest in Illinois

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    Thanks for posting.

    I took a look at the USFS data used to build the USFS Roads & Trails overlay and roads/trails that are solid black, such as Road 1474 in Shawnee National Forest, have yet to be categorized by the USFS.

    I'm sorry for the confusion this has caused and I'll look into a way to improve labeling and legend for this overlay.

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    Once again we return to this issue. GAIA claims that their overlay is sourced directly from the USFS, and if you click a road an interactive pop up should denote a trail's status via open or closed... GAIA clearly showing this one open, even on the interactive portion of the app, when it's definitely closed. Ultimately leading to the conclusion that you can't trust GAIA's MVUM overlay, "pulled from USFS" or  interactive or not... and spending the money on premium is for naught



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    Ex: 2... 93219A


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    Chris Hillbee



    Thanks for pointing this out. We're taking a closer look at this issue. 

    I'll reach out when I have more information for you. 

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