Ordnance Survey Maps
I was wondering if we are ever likely to see UK Ordnance Survey maps in Gaia? There is an old blog post mentioning it might happen but then nothing.
I've just moved back to the UK and paid a subscription for a competitors app which has OS maps. But the app is not as good as Gaia. I would be prepared to pay a little extra for the OS maps within Gaia, I suspect other people would too because the combination of OS, IGN and Swisstopo is very useful for a lot of Europeans.
As an aside - I still ended up renewing my Gaia Premium subscription because I am often in Japan where (in my opinion) the OpenStreetMaps are not very useful. I use a custom source with the (freely available) government map data - which is the same that they use on the printed maps and I can then overlay this with other maps if I need English place names or hill shading. For me, this ability is worth the premium membership alone and it's features like these that make Gaia very flexible and unique.
use the layering and custom imports to get decent hiking maps in Japan (where the OSM are a bit of a mess in my opinion) using the governments public mapping data.
Hi There.
As mentioned above, the Gaia Mapping program is a very versatile and powerful tool, however the lack of UK OS maps is a major fall down for myself. These maps often are the only information readily available for rights of way, and are in general excellent maps. Personally I would pay another 50% on top of standard membership to have the ability to use them. I believe Bing maps are somehow affiliated with OS, as they appear on there online mapping tool.
Here's hopping for the future.
Just adding another vote for British Ordnance Survey maps. Given the large promotion of the British Pilgrimage Trust in 2020 and the availability of these maps from the OS App and Bing, it’s a shame that we can’t walk the North Downs or other long distance trails using GaiaGPS premium subscriptions.
Couldn't agree more. I work for a UK hiking company, I used Gaia as I set up a new Swiss resort this past summer and i've wholeheartedly recommended it to our directors as a great map source that we should use for future European endeavours. But the lack of UK OS maps is a deal breaker for us unfortuanetly, but again we'd be more thn happy to pay extra to have a universal app to map all our hikes.
Here's hoping!
I contacted Gaia about this issue over three years ago. It was dropped because the projection of OS maps was incompatible with Gaia.
I would have hoped they'd found a workaround by now but a few years later and still nothing.
I've tried them all and Gaia overall offers the best UX out of all the cross-platform GPSes but this major issue is really holding them back in terms of UK residents and visitors wholehearted adoption.
For now we have to continue working around this using others apps. Can only hope Gaia fix this issue before someone else beats them to it.
Not a full workaround for present day OS maps, but the national library of Scotland publishes out-of-copyright OS maps on their servers, which you can add to Gaia as a mapset:
NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61 (England, Wales, partial Scotland)
Modified link as follows:
and check "set reverse Y"
NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 (England, Wales, Scotland)
Modified link:
and check "set reverse Y"
and - that's it. Sync and go.
Another voice from the UK requesting OS mapping as a layer. Again I'd be happy to pay extra for this. I've signed up the to the OS mapping from Anquet and it seems pretty clunky for planning a route compared to the smooth functionality of the Gaia app. Please have a chat with them or OS themselves and see if you can make magic happen. We have a lot of public footpaths, bridleways, rights of way etc in the UK so it really helps to know to know what the status of a particular path is. I've tried to cross reference between the outdoors layer on Gaia and the OS 1:25000 series and there is a significant difference.
I’d also like to request OS mapping for the U.K. if possible. Gaia has 1:10k OS already, but that’s not really the outdoors info that we need, the 10k maps are more for building and urban features. The ideal maps for us would be 1:25k which are the definitive source for rights of way including footpaths, bridleways etc.
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