Import / export waypoint icons from other sources

Not planned



  • Official comment
    Chris Hillbee

    Hey everyone,

    Thanks for all the feedback.

    Importing every kind of icon isn't supported, but there is some amount of waypoint importing that's possible at the moment. Here's more info: 

    When you import a KML/KMZ file into Gaia GPS, icons known to Gaia GPS will be imported. If you add an 'icon' property to each waypoint and assign it a recognized icon name prior to import using a tool like QGIS, or any other software that allows you to edit the file, it will be displayed properly when imported.

    We're discussing bulk editing of waypoints but I don't have an update on that at the moment.

    For those of you requesting custom icons, emoji waypoints are now available in Gaia GPS on all platforms: webiOS, and Android. You can customize your waypoints using the hundreds of emoji symbols available on your phone, tablet, or computer.

    Read more on the Gaia GPS blog:

    If you have any questions or feedback, please contact support here.

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    I'd like to second this user request. I build all of my maps in Google and customize my icons to visually distinguish different waypoints. Losing the custom icons when importing to Gaia makes my map less user friendly and editing waypoints one by one is time consuming. I would love to see Gaia do something to address this. Thanks!

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    Yes, please! The data is there, please make this a reality!

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    +1, would like.

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    Agreed. I want to use Halfmile's PCT GPS data with Gaia, but I can't have all the waypoint icons as the same red pin, and there are thousands of waypoints.

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    +1. Using QMapShack to design my hikes and all icons are defaulted to the black marker.

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    Jeremy Bauman

    yes please!


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    That's an important addition if I'm going to use Gaia as my main repository. I'm surprised this isn't already possible, especially considering how long the request first was made.

    Please Gaia!

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    I want to use my own choice of custom icons.

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    Mobile and Monitoring

    This should really be a standard feature. Every other trip planning software allows this. Please add adding custom icons a feature.

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    This along with being able to import KML or styled GPX seems like a no-brainer. I currently build maps in Caltopo as it has much better track, waypoint, and route editing and measuring features. Then I send the map to friends who use Avenza, and download the GPX or KML into GAIA for my own use. 

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    Hi everyone, 

    I wanted to drop in with an update on this feature request. I definitely understand how importing waypoint icons with GPX files would be a helpful feature. 

    While the development team is working on improving waypoints and adding more waypoint icons, being able to import waypoint icons from GPX files is not on the roadmap for this year. 

    I really appreciate the feedback and encourage others to show their interest in this feature by upvoting this post.

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    The icons really need to be improved! Thanks!

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    What waypoint editing features are on the roadmap?

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    Oklahoma Overland

    This is super important to many pro users.

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    +1 for this feature request, I don't imagine it is a huge amount of work as already support icons in your internal DB.

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    Rick Ferrara

    We need the ability to provide custom icons.  Give us the ability to do them ourselves and we'll upload them for others.  I need things like gates, bridges, water crossings, pump jacks (what some people would call Oil Wells), trash piles, Protein (as in a Protein Feeder for deer), tripod feeder.... I don't expect your team to be able to do all these, we can help!

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    This should definitely be a standard feature.


    I have a gpx file of 100+ campsite waypoints on a 300 mile trail that I have no issues as relabeling in Basecamp SW with a Tent Icon in bulk, in GAIA they all show up as red points and look exactly the same as every other way point.


    for the premium features this is a significant gap.

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    Patty Duffy

    I agree also!  Not only should waypoint icons be able to be imported/exported but also the color of the route should be transferred too.  I just got done planning out a route in CalTopo that has a main route and then multiple alternate routes that I wanted in a different color to differentiate from the main route.  This could also be used if someone wants to plot out escape routes or bailout routes for emergency purposes, etc.  The different color would decrease confusion for the user following the main route.

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    +1 for this feature request, I agree 100% that this is an important feature to add.  As a new user to Gaia GPS Premium I am thrill with the choice of base maps and like the ability to switch from my IOS and Android devices.  But have been pretty underwhelmed and even frustrated by the poor user experience in regard to managing my mapping data.  Many of the free or less expensive apps I have previously used do a better job in this regard.



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    Troy U

    I agree. It would be great to be able to create and/or import custom icons. Or maybe Gaia could just expand their icon base. In either event, it would be awesome if Gaia categorized the icons, or allowed the user to organize the icons (hide/show option similar to waypoints and folders?) so that the ones that they use most often are clearly and readily available without requiring them to search through miscellaneous icons. At a minimum, a trail or trailhead icon should be added to the current selection.

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    New user here. Wish these features existed. I'm going to have to spend HOURS editing icons as I import trails and maps from Google Maps. Extremely frustrating that there is no bulk edit option for a waypoint. 

    Has the team revisited this item?

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    FYI, after the official update on this thread, if you instead want to use a simple code editor (e.g., Sublime Text) to change the icon for waypoints in a KML file, it should look like this:


    ...where "garden-24" is one of the icons recognized by Gaia GPS. Here's a link to an example KML file that will import into GPS GPS with these custom waypoint icons.

    At least this worked for me when I tried to import a KML file exported from Google Maps. For my simple purposes, I found this easier than using a more heavy-weight GIS tool like QGIS.

    Thanks to Jay Crooker at Gaia support for this info.

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    Paul G.

    Dear other users and dear GaiaGPS experts,

    even with using the kown icons for gaja gps doesn't work for me - I've been trying for hours now. Can someone tell me why the icon in the following example is not shown blue? 

    Thank you so much for your help!
    Best regards,

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <kml xmlns="">
          <name>Example Document</name>
             <name>blue pin</name>

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    Another frustrated new user here because I'm starring at a wall of red pins. We need more icons. We need custom icons. I have a kmz file of hundreds of campsites, all color coded based on site characteristics. The work-around of changing the icon for the entire kmz doesn't work in this situation. Even if it did, I want to have different colored tent icons, not just black. Please make this more flexible. This app could be amazing but is severely lacking in flexibility and user-friendliness. 

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    I like a lot of features of Gaia but I'm switching back to Locus Maps. It's going to take me a month of Sundays to manually change each icon in my KMZ files I imported from Google Maps. Sorry Gaia, it's 2021 mate, you need to be able to import the icons from Google Maps.

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    Like buddy before just said, its 2021 mate... also its been 3 years... Lets make this happen. A person shouldn't have to mess around with editing the xml in the kml file - the average person isn't savvy enough to do that anyways. Nevermind importing waypoints, at the moment you can't even change the icons for all of the waypoints in a given folder in Gaia.

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    Locus Maps, Garmin and other GPS apps/programs allow you to upload .gpx files and will use a .bmp file with the same name in the same folder/directory as the custom icon (i.e. xyz.gpx and xyz.bmp in the same folder/directory). I have around 6000 custom POIs in 20 catagories with a custom icon for each catagory. i'll stay with Locus Maps and my Garmin products until GAIA can easily do the same or have a procedure which is as easy.

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    It's apparently not hard at all. My DeLorme product has been doing this for 20 years. One of the big reasons I carry the PN60. And as awkward as Garmin is to use, it also allows custom icons.

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