Mountain bike trails




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    This feature request will likely be delayed due to licensing of the data from MTB Project and others like Strava (they sell their data) or TrailForks.

    Data isn't always free - unless you're the company with the app that users provide their data to :)

    It seems that MTB Project has a Data API, but it they are vague in stating "access to certain limited data".

    It would be a business liability without some partner agreement with MTB project when they state "All requests require a private key that identifies you. Usage of the API is at MTB Project's sole discretion and may be discontinued at any time. We track every request — be sure your code caches data and does not make excessive requests or your account will be deactivated."

    When I tested out their API, they don't give any GEO data about the trail/segment, just summary data and an arbitrarily chosen 'hero' image.

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    The above being said, please take a look at this Technical Map Article page from GaiaGPS (feel free to just skim it) and then read my comment.

    I was able to load in Trailforks basemap, trails, heatmap as well as Strava Heatmap.

    NOTE: The Strava heatmap only works on my computer on the website, not on the phone. I believe this is due to authentication - Strava requires users to be logged in to see the heatmap data and since another tab on my browser is logged in, the map tiles load in another tab with GaiaGPS requesting them.

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    MTB Map Layers
    Don't worry Chris' recommendation to open a feature request was not to pass the buck and ignore your request. There are several MTBers on the team and our lead developer just finished the Tour Divide 2018. Chris has also opened an internal map request for MTB specific map layers.

    Like @jasonferrier mentioned, adding new map sources requires the cooperation of the publisher of the data and time to set up the map sources within Gaia GPS, but we will look into the possibility of adding these map sources.

    OpenCycleMap HD
    Yes, this layer is available on all three platforms for Gaia GPS and can be found within the Topo Maps section of the Layers menu: (iOS/Android/ @jndulong it looks like Robyn is working with you via email to add this layer to your phone.

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    hey has any of this been updated? i use trailforks very often and would love to see it here! 

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    I would very much like this feature.  We spend a lot of time mountain biking, way more than we do backpacking and hiking.  I would probably move over to a MTB specific app for the features, but would love for it to be in Gaia.  

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    I'd like to weigh in that this feature would be great with either MTB project or Trailforks maps. Seems like it could be a mutually beneficial arrangement for all organizations. 

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    Chris Hill

    Hello all. Just popping in to clarify a few things. This feature request is for "adding more mountain bike trails to the app", which is something we're working on. It's part of the ongoing improvements we're making to the Gaia Topo map source. We're planning to add color-coded trail types to the map soon. MTB will be one of those types. 

    However, this is not a request to add MTB Project or Trailforks maps to the app. As mentioned above, licensing issues prevent us from doing this. 


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    a trailforks layer would be ideal.  if licensing from trailforks is the issue, why not add it as an additional paid option.

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    Well, since both GaiaGPS and Trailforks are owned by Outside now, the objection should no longer be about licensing 

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    @scottfrey good point, Gaia GPS Premium and Trailforks PRO are now bundled in the Outside+ subscription.  gotta figure it's coming now, but hopefully we can get a confirmation from someone on staff.

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