Google Maps > Share to > Gaia GPS



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    Groovy Geek

    It would also be great to be able to open kmz files directly with the app

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    Gaia GPS does accept KMZ import of tracks, waypoints, and routes. If you are having an issue importing a file into the app, please click “Submit a Request” above and include a copy of the KMZ file.

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    Groovy Geek

    Problem is with Gaia. When I try to open a kmz file with Gaia from FX Explorer I get the following message: the selected app does not support operating an item using a Content URI. As of late 2018 Google has required apps to only use Content URIs for opening files. You may need to update the target application or contact the developer.

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    Thanks for the update. Currently, Gaia GPS just supports imports from your SD card, email, Dropbox, or Google Drive. Sorry for the confusion.

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    Google has a very robust api for their maps.  Why not just allow someone to connect to their google account and share everything between them?   If I create a waypoint in google maps it shows up in Gaia and vise versa

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    I agree with kc7fic.  "If I create a waypoint in google maps it shows up in Gaia and vise versa"  I have hundreds of google maps saved locations that i would like to see in GaiaGPS, but would like to have a live connection and not be forced to do periodic export/import.

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    Matt Prisco

    I was just searching to see if there was a way to "sync" my Google Maps saved locations and Gaia and came across this.  I agree with kc7ficn and Benji.  This would be awesome.

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    Just so folks reading this thread know, there is a website that will convert your Saved Lists, which are generated by Google Takeout, into a json file and csv files.  It takes the content URL and adds the Gps coordinate for you. It can also generate a .csv file with GPS Coordinates that you can use to load into a Google My Maps map. The website is:

    I did takeout on my saved lists and then I run the unziped csv files through to create a geocoded csv file.  I then upload that csv file into a google maps my map.  Once loaded you can then export a kml/kmz file from my maps that can be read by gaiagps. That what I am currently doing so that my saved lists are both in my maps and in gaiagps. 


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