Printing overhaul - Selectable scales, more traditional declination graphic, larger scale line graph
Not plannedI LOVE the layer ability and many other features found in Gaiagps, but the printing system leaves much to be desired. In fact, I still use caltopo because I consider what is exported from gaia to be very difficult to use for many reasons. Because the scale is not selectable as 1:24k, 1:25k, 1:50k etc.. you can't accurately use any existing physical mapping tools for distance.
Selectable scales: allow printing in 1:12k, 1:24k, 1:25k, 1:50k, 1:62.5k, 1:63360, etc..
Selectable UTM sub-grid: Allow a 100m UTM grid if desired
Compass and declination graphic: Give a more traditional declination graphic. Have an actual degree for grid and magnetic declination.
Distance scale on map: Make the distance scale larger so people can more easily/precisely measure distance using a paper ruler.
Official comment
Sorry, at this time it is not possible to print maps at a specific scale.
However, it is possible to customize the zoom level of a map before printing by following these steps:
It used to be possible to choose a map scale when printing on Because the website uses the Web Mercator projection, the scale of maps printed from the website did not match the scale on other common printed maps and map grid tools, which use the standard Mercator projection. To avoid confusion, we decided to remove the numeric map scale from the print options.
At this time, we do not have plans to implement printing with the standard Mercator projection.
I removed an outdated post above that showed instructions on how to choose a map scale when printing.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.Comment actions -
I agree. The ability to print large, high-quality maps, with coordinate lines, and a pre-selected scale is a really important feature that has eluded me for some time now. For years, in order to get the quality of map I want from Gaia, I have had to meticulously take multiple screen-shots on an iPad, stick them together on Photoshop, and then take the larger map to a professional print shop. I would love the ability to download a map from the website at a specific zoom level, similarly to what you can do when downloading maps for off-line use, and export this to PDF.
This feature would make the pro membership worth it, hands down.
Hey Davis,
I'm sorry to hear you weren't happy with the print options.
I don't have an ETA for you on when we'll be able to implement an overhaul on printing, but to give you an idea, we've got a half done project to update to use a better mapping framework, which will cascade into new features on the web map, including printing, grid, and scale options & bug fixes.
I think this will get totally done this summer, as we recently hired a new web developer who actually helped build the actual mapping framework we're working on implementing.
If you need help with anything, please hit 'Submit a Request' above, and the support team is pretty quick to respond :)
Thanks for posting.
We are still working on the upgrading the mapping frame work used on and you can check out the progress here: -
@Nathan good to hear.
I will echo the other comments. The flexibility and user experience on electronic devices is great, and that is why I go to in planning trips. However, none of the maps end up in the field with me since I rely on print maps only when on the ground.
Since I run land navigation/orienteering activities for both Scouts and Civil Air Patrol, I need a consistent printable scale (1:24k in my case) for UTM based maps that include MN, TN, and GN that works with standard tools they will run into the future for long distance hikes and SAR respectively.
Cheers, and keep up the great work.
I'm sorry there was an issue with the printing your maps to scale on
Here's a great article on how zoom levels relate to map scales, such as zoom 14 is equivalent to a 1:24,000 map scale:
If you would like more information on how to print at a specific map scale, please click “Submit a Request” above to contact the support team directly. -
Unfortunately, I don't have an ETA at this time. However, we are still working on updating the mapping framework used on which will lay the groundwork for improving the print options. -
EDIT: I just found the link. Everyone should check it out. It's SO much better (and therefore I no longer about to drop my paid subscription)! Thank you GaiaGPS team and keep it up!
@Nathan Any ETA on adjusting the scale for print? Competing services (such as Alltrails) allow you to set the scale and the NatoGeo USGS Quads projects does 1:24,000 by default (and for free). What about the standard declination marker and a distance scale that is large enough to be used with any degree of precision?
Looked like the printing to scale problem was being solved at, but now when I try to login to that map2 link I just get redirected to the standard maps where there is no option to select scale. You were making such good progress - what happened? Printing to scale is such a critical feature guys, it's hard to take an application seriously that can't support it. Time to bump this way up the list of development priorities!
While I'm discussing printing to scale, what would be really nice is to be able to select a long route (think multi-week backpacking route that will require many maps) or some large area (an hunt unit or orienteering area) and got to a 'Build Map Set' page. On that page you would start by choosing a paper size and scale, Gaia would then show a map with the full route/area on screen showing rectangles tiled across the route/area. Each rectangle represents the area covered by single sheet of paper of the size/scale selected. Then user can drag each of the tiled rectangles to fine tune how much overlap they want between the each of the maps with the ability to add/delete rectangles to achieve the desired number of maps to cover the region. Then Gaia would export the map set to a multi-page PDF. For big bonus points the final dialog would have the option to just download the PDF or order it online and shipped to my house - 2-day free shipping of course :) Seriously, I would pay for that convenience.
Gaia is a great tool, but you guys have got to solve this gaia2paper problem. Seriously, I've got CalTopo open in another window to evaluate if it's a better fit for my needs. #gaia2paper
I am facing the same issue, doesn't work any more and redirects to standard gaia page.
Printing the map without setting up scale seems fairly unreasonable. Just like other users, I am going back to Caltopo for printing. When do you think you could fix this in Gaia?
Hi @gaiagps,
Is anyone concerned with resolving this? This thread is (2) years old and the only replies are we are working on it. At first I thought I was just being stupid and not knowledgeable enough to figure out how to print a navigate able hard copy map for compass use in the field.
So basically the print function is primarily for map art?
Hi GaiGPS. I just joined--but was very disappointed to see your last post in this thread. It seems like you have given up on providing a serious printing capability. What about the other requests in this thread? A better declination graphic, a larger more useable scale line? What about adding the ability to put a title on a map? But at the end of the day, none of that really matters if there is not way to even have an idea of the scale of a map when you are printing it--you can even read the map scale when sizing the map for printing. Why is it that the free version of CALTOPO can do this and your premium version cannot?
If you can create a map scale how is it that you can't provide a way to have pre-set scales?
Anyway--the post above suggests that Gaia GPS is walking away from allowing printing of maps at standard scales. To me, that suggests a lack of seriousness in your endeavor.
I bought a bunch of the NatGeo maps, and frequently use this free service to print the quads I need, There are other services, but they typically will charge you to print the maps, but the advantage is you're not stuck with the predetermined area of a particular 7.5'x7.5' grid...
I also use Topo+ PRO (with an annual subscription) on my MAC to print maps at specific scales for my travels... It's around $48/y for the first year, around $60/y for subsequent years. Would be nice to only pay ONE sub, but I do like gaia in the Jeep...
Hi there. We do not have any plans at the moment to add printing maps at a defined scale. See Jim's comment for more information:
It is a bit misleading for this post to be marked 'completed'. Sorry about that. I've updated its status.
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