Why is the circled area shaded on the OpenMap but not other layers? Thank you


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    Ashli Baldwin


    The reason that the shading is showing there is because this map is made of two layers. Layer 1 is the Satellite imagery, and layer 2 is an OpenStreetMap labels overlay. 

    The OpenStreetMap Layer doesn't know there is an island there. For reference, look at the topo version of OpenStreetMap here: https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=27.781%2F-80.420#map=16/27.7462/-80.4133

    You can see that this island is missing. 

    There are two things you could do about this:

    1. You could switch to the map called 'Satellite' instead of the map called 'Satellite with labels' and the shading will disappear.

    2. You could add the island to OpenStreetMap.org. Here's a blog post we wrote about how to update OSM: https://blog.gaiagps.com/map-your-world-with-openstreetmap/

    After a few weeks, the updates you make in OSM should propagate to maps in Gaia GPS that use OSM data.

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