Why is the circled area shaded on the OpenMap but not other layers? Thank you
The reason that the shading is showing there is because this map is made of two layers. Layer 1 is the Satellite imagery, and layer 2 is an OpenStreetMap labels overlay.
The OpenStreetMap Layer doesn't know there is an island there. For reference, look at the topo version of OpenStreetMap here: https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=27.781%2F-80.420#map=16/27.7462/-80.4133
You can see that this island is missing.
There are two things you could do about this:
1. You could switch to the map called 'Satellite' instead of the map called 'Satellite with labels' and the shading will disappear.
2. You could add the island to OpenStreetMap.org. Here's a blog post we wrote about how to update OSM: https://blog.gaiagps.com/map-your-world-with-openstreetmap/
After a few weeks, the updates you make in OSM should propagate to maps in Gaia GPS that use OSM data.
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