Anyone else fed up with taking 30 to 60 seconds to display a web page?
This isn't a browser cache problem no matter how much GAIA tries to claim it is. This is because they won't pay for the number of servers they need to support their customer base but they are happy to take our subscriptions. Garmin Connect and RWGPS are both 100x as fast as GAIA and they have _more_ data to display which they can present in a fraction of a second.
GAIA is going to become abandonware soon enough when the C-suite realizes they didn't have a clue what it takes to support this product and decide to just cut their losses like they already cut all the staff.
Yes, this is incredibly annoying. I'm trying to turn on and off tracks and routes to clean up my map, removing routes that I have ridden/hiked. It's incredibly slow. Don't get me started on how long it now takes waypoints to populate in. For some reason it's slower than it has been previously.
I'm having similar issues with It's painfully slow; seems to be getting worse. Trip/overlanding planning is taking much longer with this Web app than in the past. I don't seem to have any issues with the app on my Android devices, but I don't use the mobile app for trip planning.
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