IGN Layer not working



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    French IGN cards are not available to me either. Neither in the iPhone app nor on the website. I have been aware of it since late September, I reported the problem to support.

    For me, living in France, this is a very problem and, I imagine, for all the subscribers doing le Tour du Mont Blanc or others important treks in France like HRP in the Pyrenées region.

    I think that the cartographic french institution IGN has changed something in the system, the way to addressing to its resources.
    Hope the developpers will fix the issue as soon as possible.

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    I did not realize the problem this summer probably because I used the application with maps already downloaded to the phone's memory (which are still available).

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    It is the same situation for me as of October 2024. The IGN maps that I have previously downloaded works, but cannot download any new IGN maps. The issue is on iPhone for me.

    I have contacted the support team. They said they will work to fix the bug but cannot give any ETA.

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    Same here. The IGN maps seem to work on the website but not in the app. (iOS, latest app version 2024.10.) It's a bummer, as access to IGN maps is the main reason I subscribed in the first place.

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    Hi, I could get it to work. I had to uninstall the app and then redownload the gpx area. The problem is that it will try to redownload all the areas that you had in your phone earlier. Quite annoying, if you are in the middle of a journey and do not have time to download everything. The app has become worse than it used to be last year. Also sometimes offline route planner downloads seem to be not working. I hope they sort out these issues.


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