More or less since I have used Gaia for the first time I wonder why all of the topo maps don’t show cliffs, respectively the OSM tag “natural=cliff”.
I mean, what better way to show the topography of an environment than to show where there are terrain edges and significant differences in level?
Pretty much all other good OSM-based topographic maps show cliffs, so why don't you? Please change this as soon as possible, because your topo maps are actually really good and pleasant to look at.
Yes I know Gaia does not show a lot of the things you'd like it to .
but it's up to them what they decide what to download from the OS M database to add to their custom map.
I assume they're trying not to clutter up the map but there's many things that they could add that would make it helpful
I have requested features to show on the map in the past and nothing changes is there supposed to be hiking and biking maps but they don't show many things that would be very advantageous.
as an OS M editor the only way I can get things to show up for instance, a bench along the trail is to mark it as a viewpoint and named bench in OSM and then it will appear
you could always try putting in a feature request
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