Make Locate icon more prominent and easier to select while in motion
I'm quite happy with the redesign overall, and I'm perplexed regarding the continued de-emphasis of the Locate icon.
In your recent redesign blog post ( you acknowledge that, "Locating yourself on the map is probably the most useful and important tool in Gaia GPS." I agree! Yet, the Locate icon is sandwiched between other icons (which I just learned that I can hide - awesome!) and the map layers icon.
The location and size of the Locate icon makes it difficult to select consistently, and safely, while in motion (walking, biking, or off-roading), which is when I need it most - especially since I need to select it twice to go into heads up mode. I select this icon at least 10x any other feature in the app (not counting heads up double taps).
Why not swap the Locate icon and the green plus markup icons? The size and location of the markup icon are more ideal for the Locate icon. For me at least, the markup options are of equal weight in importance to the map layers, and thus belong together. However, locating and guiding myself is of far greater priority for ease of selection.
This post should be combined with this one...
Button Sizes – Gaia GPS
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