Gaia on iOS Lock Screen
Yes, that would be great. To be more precise: I think it’s called “live activity widget”, a widget that is shown on your lockscreen when you’re recording a track. That would be super awesome!
I know this feature from a competitor app called “Bergfex” (very popular over here in (southern) Germany and Austria). And I wonder why Gaia hasn’t implemented it yet, given how useful this feature is.
Yes please!! I use Pedometer++ precisely because of its map via a Live Activity on the Lock Screen. I'd rather use Gaia where all my routes and tracks are already stored.
It's so handy to have that auto-centering view on the Lock Screen to just make sure you're on track without going through the trouble of unlocking the phone to go into the full app. Extra handy in winter because I don't need take off my gloves to just glance at the Lock Screen.
Pedometer++ only shows the Live Activity while you're tracking. I'd prefer an option to start the Live Activity regardless of if I'm tracking. As long as I can have my route displayed on the map and it centers the view on my current location, I don't always need the track (which can burn precious battery life).
I don't like the lock screen function because our routes involve many twists and turns and that means unlocking and relocking too often, but in wet weather there's no choice as Gaia goes crazy if the phone screen gets wet; but I could imagine a version of lock screen where it automatically centred the map on the position arrow as you go, that would be much more useful it seems to me
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