Latency (web)



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    I use Chrome on Windows 11, machine is about 4 years old and I have not had any issues. I am on 1TB Fiber Internet. All my actions are in fractions of seconds response time.

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    I use Chrome on an Imac. I know that Chrome uses a lot of internal memory. When Gaia is getting slow due to memory usage (swap files) I close Chrome and reopen. Gaia on Safari is pretty slow indeed.

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    Hi there. I am using GAIAGPS web from France and am facing the same damn slow response time from my different Windows/Chrome/edge/firefox or mac/safari workstations.

    All other web services are fast.

    My LAN is enterprise-grade and am using ISP 2GBps downstream fiber... thus thought it could be the latency to servers that are hosted in the USA.

    Reading this thread is telling me this is just not a latency issue ... but a lack of resources to power the service or a bad code :)



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    I am having the same issue, GAIA GPS web is super slow. I recently moved to Germany, and it has been slow ever since, no issues with other websites (using Mac/Chrome). I have also used Gaia web while living in Canada and never had those kinds of issues. Could it be some weird geographic problem, that if you access Gaia web from outside of North America it's just super slow? Never had these issues using the app on my phone though, it worked fine in Canada and in Germany ... very weird and quite frustrating to not use the web based application though. 

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    interesting feedback where gaia web was performing ok from Germany. There might be an issue with Global Traffic Management of the platform. Would be great the gaia team provides information on how this is powered (distributed workloads) or the different maps benefit from CDN (content delivery network).
    Sorry, i am an IT professional and helping F500 companies to optimize their digital end users experience and might be too « technical » to some readers :)

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    This user perfectly captures the frustration of unacceptable slowness when using GAIA on Chrome. Waiting seconds or even a minute for results is a major pain point.


    house of hazards

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    T. Hawk


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