Activity type favorites

Not planned



  • Official comment
    Kristin McLane

    Hi there,

    I can definitely see how it would be helpful to have "favorite" activities more easily available when saving a track.

    We don't have plans for anything like this at the moment, but I'll create an internal request for this to keep track.

    Thanks for suggesting this. We will update here if this feature becomes available.

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    Kristin,  Please!  I also only do a couple of activities, and would love to have them at the top.


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    It would be great if 

    1)  the activities choices would be ranked in order of most recently used.

    2)  the activities choices could be edited to remove the ones we know we'll NEVER do (most of them).

    This can't be difficult for people as smart as our Gaia team.

    Thanks for your support.

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