Route won't end



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    Hey @klassenkw,

    There was previously an issue in the Watch app that prevented tracks/routes from saving if Gaia GPS didn't have access to your Health data.  It is no longer necessary to grant the Gaia GPS app permission to your Health data to save a track on the Watch.

    Can you make sure you have the latest version of the Watch app installed by following these steps?

    • Open the Watch app on your iPhone > scroll down to Installed on Apple Watch > tap Gaia GPS > toggle OFF Show App on Apple Watch
    • Then, reinstall Gaia GPS on the Watch. Under Available Apps locate Gaia GPS and tap Install.

    Alternatively, you can update your Health app permissions in order to save tracks on the Watch.

    1. On your phone, tap Settings > Health > Data Access + Devices > GaiaGPS.
    2. Select "Turn All Categories On"

    If you are still having any issues, please reach out to Support.

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