Landscape orienttion for phones




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    On iPhone engaging the phone “orientation lock” feature will keep the map display in portrait mode.

    (But it seems it isn’t possible to lock the map into landscape view)

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    And.. just tested.. GaiaGPS does disable map rotation if you have “auto-rotate screen” disabled in your Android Display settings.

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    Kristin McLane

    @jrg is correct, you can use Gaia GPS in landscape mode in the Android app. If you don't want to switch between landscape and portrait mode, turn off Auto-Rotate in your phone's settings.

    @david, does that answer your question, or are you requesting something else?

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    Sorry for not explaining my original post more clearly.  My comment was that on Android tablets in landscape mode the view of maps is much improved with stats on the left instead of on the top.  And when I select the full screen button the map really is full screen.  However, on my Android phone in landscape mode, there are three horizontal ribbons, one with symbols for search, full screen, map selection etc, one with stats for my current trip and one at the bottom to choose map, trip, discover, etc; with the result that the map itself is little over an inch high.  When I push the "full screen" button, the map view is better but there is still a horizontal ribbon with the stats. I wish that Android phones in landscape mode would display the way Android tablets do, with the stats on the left and with a real full screen view.

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    Hi David,

    While it is not possible (on the phone app) to display the Stats Bar on the left when in full-screen mode, you can toggle the Stats Bar "off" so the map covers the entire screen. That toggle can be found under Settings > Map Controls.

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