More Waypoint Icon Choices




  • Official comment
    Kristin McLane

    Good news! Emoji waypoints are now available in Gaia GPS on all platforms: webiOS, and Android. You can customize your waypoints using the hundreds of emoji symbols available on your phone, tablet, or computer.

    Read more on the Gaia GPS blog:

    If you have any questions or feedback, please contact Support here.

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    Also, it would be nice to have a waterfall icon.

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    Or a deer or elk profile for a place to hunt.


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    Yes to a fish - please!

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    I second the need for more icons, and would really appreciate:

    - fish
    - shower 
    - green/start of trail
    - red/checkered end of trail

    Also - I'd love to see mass updating of icons per my request at

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    Yes, I agree with more icons choices including numbered icons (ie, 1,2,3,...10). A green flag icon (representing a starting position) & a checkered flag icon (representing a finishing position) are also good ideas.

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    Adding my ++ to this. More icons are always good. Also just posted a separate requested for a tweak on this - allow selection of the color of the ring around the icon to communicate status or other info around a category using an icon.

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    I would like to have the following icons available:

    • canoe launch
    • canoe
    • trail junction
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    Agree, I would like to see

    • Fish and Fisherman
    • Wildlife icons: Deer, Bear, etc. 
    • Bathroom icon

    Also, it would be nice to see the names (or shortened names) without having to click in there. 

    I fish in remote areas with no maps and I would like to be able to name the islands. 

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    Also, adding color coding to waypoints. I think it would be nice to have the circle surrounding the marker be different colors. For hazards, I would want them red so as to call attention to them more easily. As for others, it may be nice to distinguish between fishing holes and others at a quick glance. 

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    @dfluegge Both of your requests are very valid suggestions! If you haven't already, please be sure to up-vote the original request at the top as this is hour Gaia prioritizes feature requests. Thank you!

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    It looks like the original comment (Adam's) was 8 months ago? Nothing has happened since then? I know there are royalty-free icons available for most, if not all, of these requests. I have some graphics CDs that have royalty-free icons for many of the requests. GaiaGPS, can't the process be expedited a bit to make these available?

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    @johnwblaser Yes, the originally request was by me eight months ago (amongst other popular feature requests). I am not sure what is taking Gaia so long to implement what would seem like such a simple request. I work in software development myself... I can only assume they are working on some important back-end (non visual) improvements we are not aware of. It sure would be nice to have some sort of feedback or confirmation from Gaia though. Thank you!

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    GAIA on Facebook is who sent me here to leave the request I sent them on FB. I also asked for text labeling of my map so I don't have to click into the waypoint to give directions. That isn't the pain, it's when I am telling other people in my party where I am and they look at their map and are not sure. To be able to say "We're by South Esker island" and have them look at their map and see it would be nice. The area I'm in is remote Canada and nothing is labeled and the lakes are enormous and join. We usually have 5 boats going. 


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    @dfluegge Oh, that's a great request. I searched but couldn't find your post (which doesn't help with the whole submitting/voting for feature requests process... it's very unorganized and difficult to search and upvote a single request since users submit new requests instead of up-voting the original submission). Link to your post?

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    Here you go: 

    This is what we created so we can find each other, we labeled everything so it is easier to find each other, but it also requires having the hard copy map out. 

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    @dfluegge Thank you. I upvoted your feature request submission. However, there were zero upvotes up until then. I'm not sure why people are not up-voting your feature request... it looks to be a popular one as well. (You should at least upvote your own submission.)


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    From Boise, To

    My turn:

    Propane filling station.

    Dump station.

    Potable water source for filling fresh water tanks/jerry cans.

    Mountain pass/summits.

    Various types of buildings like ranger stations, fire lookouts, huts and visitor centers.

    More camping symbol options like campgrounds, rv parks and primitive camping instead of one single tent option.

    Mines, ghost towns, monuments and cemeteries.

    Or maybe just a method to allow for custom uploads to my Gaia account.  There are literally 1,000s of options for icons of all sorts that can be found on the internet and downloaded to my PC for free.  Then simply uploading them to my Gaia account (like how Google Maps allows custom uploaded icons) would be great and then the Gaia developers wouldn't have to figure out what people want.

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    @stevenboise Great suggestions! A custom icon upload feature would be fantastic!

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    rock art


    potholes (admittedly somewhat obscure)

    pourovers (ditto)

    letters and numbers inside the circle

    Even if you don't add new symbols, BY FAR the best thing you can do is allow different colored circles around the icon. I keep track of goals, like unclimbed peaks, in red and accomplished goals in green. But of course, you can't use the icons that way, only the pins.

    +1 for uploading. I take my cues from the incredible resource that is Mapicons. The colors are infinitely customizable. And if you're handing with Photoshop, you can even drop your own inside the border, like the NPS or USFS icon. I use them exclusively in Google Earth (but Gaia is my preferred platform by far).


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    From Boise, To

    In working on my trip, I realized there isn't an icon for a hiking trailhead.  You know, a little symbol with a hiker with a stick and backpack on.

    So, there's another one that was somehow missed. 

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    I have started working with the Backcountry Navigator app as well as Gaia. BN has a sizable collection of icons, including the ones we have been requesting. I haven't found it lacking any of the icons I want to use. Their support has been outstanding so far in helping me get started. I haven't used it in the field yet but plan on doing so. If it works like it appears it will, I will probably transition to it.

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    More icon choices and selectable colors woudl help in keeping some situational awareness when looking at the map.  Differing icons help me plan my trip more efficiently.  Also, the icons choices should remain when you sync to your devices.

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    I vote to keep the beaker icon! How else can I mark those pesky meth labs.

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    Make sure you upvote the original post, I learned that they determine priority based on upvotes. 


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    From Boise, To

    Here are some images for Gaia for ideas.  Many of these have been mentioned in the comments above.  Just putting this out there.

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    How about a ghost icon to represent a ghost town?

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    It seems there are a lot of suggestions for waypoint icons.  I can see how it could quickly become overwhelming with too many options.  Maybe there could be separate downloadable categories of icons?  For me, I want hunting icons (elk/deer/etc., tracks, scat, water, rubs, wallows, blood trail, and so on).

    But since I'm probably a minority, can you add icons and then give users the options to download icon groups that they would want?  Hiking/Climbing/Geocaching/Hunting/Fishing/RVing, and so on?  That way a user could add icons they want and ignore those they don't want.

    I'm comparing OnX to GaiaGPS.  So far it's clear GaiaGPS is more powerful - it has many more options for map overlays.  But the limited relevant icons for things I want to mark make it a bit weaker for my use.


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    Based on this post and a number of others asking for more icons/symbology it’s be nice to see a way for custom icons to be created and saved.

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    In my experience using handheld GPS units and other GPS phone apps, for hunting most have the following same icons for waypoints:

    deer tracks (people use to mark deer trails), ground blind, treestand, a deer and parking spots.  Please add these, more and more hunters are using your app and getting frustrated marking spots with non-hunting icons.



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