import pdf maps
as noted in another thread, I would like to be able to import pdf maps to use as base maps. In particular, this map:
What you want to do is possible as a user. In fact I downloaded your map and made it work. Custom maps are an involved process. You need an application like MapTiler which can convert the PDF into tiles. Then you need to host those files somewhere, I use Amazon Web Services but virtually any hosting account would work. MapTiler will process the PDF and upload the files to your server. After all of that you can then go into your Gaia dashboard and create a custom map. That involves referencing your server address and a waypoint near your map. Once all of that is done walla! you will have a custom map. Because of all of these steps, least of which your map will fail if not properly georeferenced, I think it would be difficult to write an online tool to import maps. Never say never though.
Hi Velovelo. I use the iOS app Avenza Maps for this purpose. It is (wonderfully) free for individuals. While it is a bit of a PITA to have my georeferenced maps in one place, and my routes and points in another, it is an OK solution for right now. That said, if GaiaGPS could handle geo-TIFFs and/or georeferenced PDFs natively, it would be real cool. (I did the map tiler route once for a much earlier version of GaiaGPS, but I can't remember the steps any more, and something changed so my tiled maps stopped working).
I appreciate that importing random PDF maps can be done, and ckracht (above) describes one way of doing it. However, I want something as easy as on the Avenza Maps app.
I am a SAR responder and I work with many, many other SAR responders. I am encouraging use of the GaiaGPS app, which in many ways simply has no competition. But. I want to be able to share an incident map (to, for example, help everyone drive to the incident base when it is deep inside a national forest that has a network of marginal forest roads) and for now I fall back on Avenza Maps. The DIY routine described above is not practical for most people and certainly not while en route to a SAR mission.
I too would love to import maps similar to the NPS Visitor maps. Those are beautiful. But I need ones like these ....
I can download and view them on iBooks but they are not very useful that way. Can we please get GAIA altered so that free pdf maps can be viewed?
I tried Avenza but they want an expensive monthly subscription. I can’t afford two map subscripions.
John Davies
Spokane WA
It would be extremely useful to be able to import geospatial PDFs into Gaia! I have also done this before using the MapBox service, but this is complicated process, best suited for enabling access to your map for a large number of users. A simple, local import of custom geo PDFs maps would be great.
A couple notes:
1) An Avenza subscription is not required to do this. You can have up to 3 custom maps loaded at a time in the free version.
2) One of the best sources of geo PDF custom maps is Caltopo.
I'm in the same boat as many of us. I used to love Avenza before they switched to a subscription model. I recently ponied-up the $ and am a full-supporting subscriber of the GaiaGPS community. It would be a huge differentiator (and value-add!) to be able to import simple geo-PDF's for off-line use here in GaiaGPS. I wouldn't even need a basemap layer - just show me where i am on the PDF, maybe let me record tracks and waypoints. Pretty basic stuff. Maybe I will go submit a feature request... Anybody else have any luck?
I lead backpacking trips in New York's Adirondacks and Catskills Mtns. As a Premium subscriber I mostly use the Gaia NatGeo layer that shows most trails and generates an elevation cross section that is very handy to rate a trip. I wish Gaia had all the wonderful Tyvek paper maps published by NYNJ Trail Conference searchable and useable within Gaia Premium. Those maps are upgraded and have tons of information and landmarks !
I too would very much like to import PDF maps to Gaia. In so-cal for dual sport dirtbiking, we rely on maps published by the BLM or Maps made by 3rd party that constantly update the legal riding trails. I use Avenza, but would like to ditch it and have all of my tracks and routes in one place.
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