New Feature: Colors in waypoint icon choices




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    Chris Hillbee

    Hello all! Big news! 

    Today, we've made it easier to create your own map by bringing color into the mix for all waypoints, including the emojis added last year. Premium users can now change the border color of waypoint icons to better visually differentiate your waypoints. On the technical side, this also involved migrating nearly 40 million waypoints to our new format which our new back end team crushed!

    Check it on on the Web or Android.

    iOS will be hot on its heels next week. 

    Here's how to use this new feature:

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    I want this feature for very similar reasons.  For overlanding/dispersed camping, I want the ability to visually distinguish among camping sites with different qualities, namely: 1) potential spot found via map scouting that I haven't physically visited yet, 2) visited and it's a good site, and 3) visited and it's not a good site.  What I want is to use the same tent waypoint icon, but with different colors that are assigned these meanings I described above.

    What'd be great is, just like the way you can access emoji's of different colors on iOS, if I long-tap-and-hold on the camp icon, I can choose what colored ring I want to assign to it.



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    I would like this as well, in addition to Change icons colors or styles for entire folder.

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    Selecting the background color inside the ring would also be useful.

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    Would like to use icon color to indicate difficulty of each trail



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    So now the new default is red, while all the old waypoints are blue. Is there a way to change the default?

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    I thinking about the same feature about changing the circle color it will be so usefull for my need or maybe the icon can be in color. I am happy that i'm not the only one. Sorry for my english i'm french person hahahahah

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    Yes, more icon options, and my priority would be to take the specific icons for numbers 0-9, which are currently white only, and render them in all ten of the colors of the generic waypoint "down-pins."  That would yield 100 icons in that set alone, which I use for marking individual plant species.

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    I would love to see this.

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    Hi all,

    We are excited to share that this is on the roadmap for this year.  I don't have an exact timeline on when it will be released, but we will update this thread when it is released.

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    @don.parkes, great question. I would also like to know this.

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    Zach Segraves

    Hi Don,
    Thanks for reaching out.  There is no way to change the default color, however, I have shared your feedback with the product team for consideration in future updates.
    In the meantime, if you need to change several waypoints at once, please try these steps to bulk edit your waypoints on Edit Waypoints on
    If you run into any other issues, please contact support here: 

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    "which our new back end team crushed!" They didn't crush anything. We still have giant icons that look as if they are used by children. We can bulk edit and change any icons we want, as long as they are childish. Spare me "crushed", after so many years. My decades-old DeLorme software allows me to design my own icons. I can scarcely see my map for the giant icons. It's one of the reasons I still carry my PN60. GaiaGPS has many strengths, but icons ain't one of 'em.

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    New default color choice (red) compared to blue being the only choice available before makes no sense to me. Now my map of several thousand waypoints is confusingly mixed with two colors, old and new. No way I'm going to spend the time updating each of these waypoints, even with the mass update (where you still have to select a radio button for each and every waypoint). 

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    Is there a way to make different colors for different segments of a single route?  This would be particularly meaningful when planning a route with 'difficult' sections that I could identify by making that segment something that stands out.


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    This would be a great feature, along with additional icon choices.  

    That said, the official Emoji set is growing all the time, and there are icons for nearly everything -- Hiking boots, fishing, paddling, transportation, food, camping...   Why have a proprietary set of icons when there is a now a standardized set that are broadly adopted?

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