Bulk edit waypoint icons in folder




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    Chris Hillbee

    Hello all, 

    Great news! Bulk waypoint icon editing is now available on the web. 

    More info here: https://help.gaiagps.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003640588

    A big thank you to @Franzz for supplying a workaround in the interim. 

    Let us know if you have any issues. 

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    I would add that you should be able to customize any group that is in a folder including polygons.  Let's say I'm doing research in an area.  I have a bunch of points for 3 (or 30) different plant species I want to visit.  I have hundreds of points for each species.  I want to display each plant differently.  Let's also say I'm looking for new populations and that one grows in recent burn areas for which I have many polygons and another grows in bogs for which I also have many polygons.  I want to display all the burn areas as red and all the bogs as blue.  This is a very basic GIS functionality and Gaia GPS is kind of worthless to me without it.  Random colors on all these feature makes it impossible to use in any reasonable way as you have no idea what you are looking at except for a bunch of randomly colored points and polygons..

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    I'd love to select an icon at the folder level and have all waypoints within that folder automatically tagged with the icon, both existing and whenever a new waypoint is added and associated with that folder.


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    I agree 100%!  I have a lot of waypoints and when i import them they get the plain blue flag and i want to be able to change the icons in bulk.

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    Apparently symbols and folders are not imported with a gpx file, so all my organizing in another system (garmin) is lost. 

    Would like to change symbols on multiple waypoints at a time rather than the current process of one at a time through a multistep process.


    I love the app by the way!

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    This really impacted me when a friend sent me trail data with lots of waypoints and none of the icons imported and there was no way to bulk edit once the waypoints were imported. Lots of other apps support this - hope Gaia joins the club soon

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    After reading all the above comments from 2 years to 6 months ago, I'm surprised Gaia haven't fixed this issue yet. Bulking editing of waypoints in folders would be a great tool. I hope I don't have to wait another month or longer before they'll have this option available.

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    In order to organize our waypoints, we need to be able to change the displayed icon for a group of waypoints, selecting multiple waypoints from a list or an entire folder, and change the icon.

    This is particularly important when we import a large number of waypoints and are unable to define the waypoints' icon either as part of the import or as part of the import.

    Being able to use custom icons would be great!!!

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    I really don't mean to sound abrupt, but do the developers actually use this app or any other GPS for anything in the field? The ability to bulk change icons is fundamental. So is the ability to hide|show groups of waypoints. I actually selected a bunch of them in the waypoint manager, and tried to change them all at the same time...but got sent to a single-waypoint edit session, which I gave up as useless. And to make matters worse, the default icons are all so huge. I most emphatically do not want my map cluttered with ANY of the icons supplied w GaiaGPS. For that matter, I don't like the icons that come w Garmin, either, for the same reason, but there I created my own custom icons. Would love to import and use.them.

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    This is a deal breaker for me. A friend of mine has convinced me to change over to Gaiagps but unless I can do bulk changes of waypoints (poi’s for me) and also to have a greater selection of icons, it’s not going to work for me. I have multiple thousands of poi’s to upload and I am not going to change them one at a time. The ability to have custom icons would be high on my list of updates requested as well, otherwise a great product

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    Hi Everyone,

    I wanted to drop in and let everyone know we are listening and thank you for your feedback.

    I can definitely see how adding a feature like this would help with the workflow of managing waypoints.

    While the development team is working on improving the overall workflow for managing data on the website, this feature is not currently part of our roadmap for this year.

    Sorry for the inconvenience but I wanted to make sure we have an answer for folks. Please upvote this feature request if you would like to see this feature added in the future.

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    It's nice to get a clear comment. Many of us don't want this answer, but it is much better to have it stated, so that we don't go on wondering. Transparency, in apps, trumps mysterious any day.

    I'm one of the most outspoken here. My intent is not insult. I do get impatient with many things these days. My company built its rep on transparency and project management. We always sat down with our client base and developed a road map so that we all could see what was the most important and how it all fit together. I don't see that happening much these days. We used IEEE guidelines for developing requirements specs (different from design), design specs (different from development roadmaps), and dev roadmaps. Without high level discussions, a lot of time is wasted backtracking. The current issue is just one of these. Many of us who have been using GPSRs for a long time have come to expect certain core features. This app, which I have chosen (been using it for some time) as my go to app, looks to me as if it slowly grew out of the desires of some outdoor folks, but didn't have a game plan.

    I bought into the upgraded package for 5 years because I want to contribute to its continued dev. That dev could really benefit from experienced user feedback and some software engineering at GaiaGPS.

    Oh...btw...I'd take custom waypoint icons over bulk editing, but then I'd complain that I wanted to change a bunch of icons at the same time, and we'd be right back here.

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    Are there ANY waypoint icon feature improvements planned on the current roadmap?

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    A friend just let me know about an app that she and others are using instead of (and maybe with Gaia) that essentially has the waypoint management that Gaia should have: Map Marker. Very basic, but actually has the waypoint options most Gaia users need like bulk editing of waypoints in a folder, lots more icon options, and custom data collection fields. I'm going to give it a try. Perhaps you all should too and let Gaia know what you think. Adding these options to Gaia, would make Gaia considerably more useful. https://www.mapmarker.app/

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    Hmm, I took a look at Map Marker. I'm not sure how this would help at all. Maybe you'll find something I missed vestigial_hippo... :)

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    Thomas Rodde

    +1 for this request.

    What else to say?


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    I imported a map with 300 waypoints... really not looking forwarding to having to manually change all of them :(

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    +1 for this. 

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    And another +1 


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    Definitely not perfect, but I've created a GreaseMonkey script to patch this missing feature: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/406816-gaiagps-waypoints-mass-updater

    If any of you have react/angular js skills and want to help, I'll post it on github.

    Tested in firefox.

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    Franzz,  Thank you!!!! it does exactly what I needed.  Tested and works in Chrome with TamperMonkey

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    The script works awesome. !!

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    I installed the script with TamperMonkey on Chrome. I see the Icon tab when I list my Waypoints, but clicking a new icon does nothing. Please let me know if I'm doing something incorrectly. 

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    Thank you Franz for creating that script. It worked great in Brave.

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    If someone can figure out how to do this with a greasemonkey script, which gets the job done btw, this should be pretty easy to implement not sure why it is not on the roadmap.  My biggest complaint continues to be data management/organization with Gaia.  Its doable but painful :( 

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    Hi Eric, You can use my script if it's still working (5 posts above yours).

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    +1 for this feature

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    C'mon Gaia team.  You're letting customers resort to work-arounds for a feature requested 4 years ago?

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    yes, pretty pathetic that they won't make this a priority at all.  I commented on this topic 3 years ago so get copied when others comment on it.  2 years ago Robyn from the Gaia team said this wasn't "on the roadmap" for this year.  Apparently it missed the road the past 2 years as well.  They don't want to give their customers what we ask for; but they sure don't mind hitting our credit cards every year...

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    Well, I don't  mean to disrespect all the great work that the Gaia developers, testers, and designers do behind the scenes to make this great thing we call Gaia GPS actually work.  It's just that, the product is great - and as a result SO MANY of us can't wait to pour all our data into Gaia.  But then we hit a bottleneck, because we can't manage the data easily through bulk update features.  In a way, it's a symptom of the product's success that we all want to manage large sets of data and do bulk updates like this.  Fingers crossed it will come someday :)

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