Arrows to indicate the direction of a track



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    Ryan McElroy


    Currently, there's not a way to turn on direction arrows for routes and tracks in the app. Sorry about that.
    We've made note of the feature request in this thread; I can see how it would be a useful enhancement.  

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    Did this ever happen? Yesterday I stumbled onto a track view with the arrows. Can't find it today.

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    I would love this! It would have prevented us from going way out of our way yesterday!

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    Is there a way these arrows can be "turned on" in the app? 

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    If you tap on a track it'll show you direction arrows. Would be nice if they were permanently displayed though

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    This is a much needed feature.  I tried the tap trick advised above but it does nothing in my ios app.  The reason this is crucial is when doing loop routes.  You come to the loop section and need to choose left or right.  Without arrows or some way to know how the route was designed to be run, you only have a 50/50 chance of choosing the correct direction of travel.  Tapping not a good option either because you would need to stop, unglove, tap and then resume.  This is a potentially dangerous omission of feature.

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    Hey, just downloaded and tried the Scenic App.  It has number waypoints which work well for loop routes and/or when you need to know direction of travel


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    Laurel Geisbush

    This feature is much needed. Especially for steep mountains. Often times the routes we take up are not the same as the route we decend. Please add this feature ability! We can all use it when looking at tracks and planning our routes.

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    Bruce Goodwin

    I would like to see direction of travel arrows on saved or downloaded tracks!

    I have to export the tracks into Garmin Base Camp to see the direction of travel.

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    Beth Bradshaw

    This feature is Ava in android. I don’t understand why it doesn’t work on iOS. I thought Gaia would have more features on iOS, not less. Please consider adding this feature to saved tracks in iOS. All you do in android is just tap on the saved track.

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