Windows 10 App
Not plannedThere is an App for Ipad and Android but as offroad guide in Greece, I am working with a Samsung TabProS with Windows 10 as OS.
I have asked Gaia if there are any plans for the nearby future for a Windows 10 version. Answer: No.
Their advice was to post a message for the community. If there are enough reactions that supports an Windows 10 App, they will think about it. So for those who are working with tablets or laptops on a windows 10 OS, please support this message :)
Simply because Gaia GPS is awsome.
Official comment
Hey Folks,
Thank you all for your votes and comments on this feature request.
Unfortunately developing a Windows app is not on our foreseeable roadmap. The Gaia GPS crew is currently focusing on improving the user experience on our 3 existing platforms -- the website, Android app, and iOS app. At this time, I don't believe that we have the resources to develop the app on another platform while providing a polished experience and also continuing to support our existing lineup.
I know this might be frustrating news, but I thought it was important to provide an update for everyone who has taken the time to show interest in this idea.
As some other posters here mentioned, it is possible to run Gaia GPS on a Windows device if you are willing to run an Android emulator. Since this is not an officially supported method, I'm unable to provide assistance with that - however, there are some good notes here from others who have tried it and may be willing to provide more in-depth instructions.
Thanks again to everyone who has participated in this thread.Comment actions -
I use both... ios for my mobile device and windows 10 for the home and office. I would love to be able to get to one OS. If I can then windows 10 would win for several reasons. Also... since gaiagps cloud services, and the management of the data on the cloud is so clunky and broken...I'd welcome the widows 10 app as an option to improve this. Assuming it gives better control and is less error prone.
I have tried MapsPro; however, as a Search and Rescue volunteer Gaia is closer to my needs when it comes to waypoint and track management. My of us use Gaia on our cell phones in the field. But is it nice to use the larger screen of the laptop in a vehicle or at base camp. Currently my favorite mapping tools are Gaia and Sartopo. A windows version of Gaia would be very useful.
Tablets running Windows 10 are quite popular nowadays. To date, I'm not aware of any offline navigation software for Windows, so they'd pretty much have a monopoly on that market.
A Windows app that works "offline", with or without an external GPS receiver and all of the functionality of the mobile version.
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